About the ASGA

About us » About the ASGA

The Australian Sign & Graphics Association is the peak body representing Signwriters, Signmakers, Engravers, Wide Format Printers, Sign Installers, Digital screen facilitators, Graphic Designers, Sign Educators and Apprentices who use sign making equipment such as digital printing machines, engraving, laser and routing equipment, LEDs, neon products and computer display equipment.

Our primary aims are to build a professional industry through providing a useful resource identity and providing ongoing education and training. We advocate for our industry at all levels to help build a strong industry. ASGA members are represented in every state of Australia and beyond.

The Association provides its members with continued support and technical information especially in areas of employee wage levels, legal advice and WHS documentation. The ASGA has been a leader in helping to reshape educational training courses and to encourage sign industry educational training centres around Australia.

The ASGA mounts a national Sign Awards event every 2nd year at which sign companies receive the affirmation of their peers. The awards presentation takes place at a Gala Industry Dinner.

The ASGA values its involvement in Sign Industry Trade Shows, promotes the Letterheads movement throughout Australia, and liaises closely with the New Zealand Sign and Display Association (NZSDA).