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ASGA \ HEXIS Wrap Battle Winners Head to NZ

Following an exciting ASGA / HEXIS Australia Wrap Battle at Visual Impact Sydney, the two Australian champions are about to head off to New Zealand, to do battle for the Trans-Tasman championship.

Presentations: (from left) Ian Parsonson, Managing Director HEXIS Australia, with Rafael Sena, Hayden Bryant’s sister Melliah who accepted Hayden’s prize on his behalf, and HEXIS Trainer – and Wrap Battle Judge – Ben Schliebs from Graphic Applications.

Hayden Bryant of Attention Signs & Embroidery in Mittagong NSW and Rafael Sena of Auto Artisan Group Pendle Hill NSW won the right to represent Australia from a field of wrap specialists from around the country.

Bryant and Sena not only achieved the best times in the fast and furious heats which ran throughout the trade show in early May – Bryant with 12 minutes 10 seconds and Sena with 12 minutes 25 seconds – but also achieved outstanding results, a prerequisite for selection.

The two champions are now heading to New Zealand for an all-expenses paid trip by HEXIS to compete in the Trans-Tasman HEXIS Wrap Battle, to be held at the NZSDA Sign & Print Expo in Auckland during the first week of July.

The Auto Artisan Group team with Ben Schliebs.

Mick Harrold, President of ASGA, wished the duo well in defending the title, which was won by Australia last time the competition was held.

“The Wrap Battle is always a great demonstration of speed and skill, and we were blown away by the talent shown by all the competitors,” Harrold says. “It’s quite an achievement for Rafael and Hayden to have come out at the front of what was an enormously impressive field and we certainly wish them well in this next stage.”

Harrold also extended special thanks to Ian Parsonson of HEXIS, who has been the driving force behind this exciting wrap event.

“HEXIS not only conceived this great competition but is sponsoring the two finalists to attend the New Zealand event,” he explained. “It’s a credit to them to have created an even which is a fantastic highlight wherever it is staged, and really showcases our industry.”




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