Mitre Guillotine

Mitre Guillotine

Version: 1.0

Updated: 1 December 2024

Document Summary

This Safe Work Procedure outlines the safe use and maintenance of mitre guillotines. All guards must be fitted before use to prevent hand or finger injuries. The guillotine should only be used for its designed materials. During preparation, the compressed air supply must be disconnected, blade slides cleaned and oiled, and the table cleared of debris. Compressed air should only be reconnected after setup completion.

Operational precautions include holding the material firmly against the guide and using both operating buttons simultaneously to perform cuts, ensuring hands remain clear of the cutting zone. Maintenance involves isolating the air supply, cleaning, and re-oiling moving parts. Blade replacement must be done by skilled personnel, with precautions such as wearing hand and foot protection, using appropriate tools, and securing blades to prevent accidents. These protocols ensure safety and efficient operation of the mitre guillotine.


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