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Must-Attend Webinar for Signage Installation Professionals

Licensing requirements for signage installation professionals are strict and can vary from State to State, but with hefty penalties for those who don’t comply with requirements, it’s vital to know what building licenses you need. A new webinar from ASGA is designed to help.

Charl Taylor

The variations of licensing requirements from state to state in Australia can make it very difficult to know if your business is properly licensed for any particular job. Yet the penalties for non-compliance can be hefty, including jail time, says Mick Harrold, ASGA President.

“It’s absolutely vital for anyone who installs, or oversees the installation of signage, to be absolutely sure they have the right license to operate, as the consequences of non-compliance, for businesses and individuals, can be really dire,” he says.

“We don’t want to see anyone caught out, so to make sure businesses have access to the right information we have engaged expert Charl Taylor from CI-Advantage, to run a webinar session designed to explain the different requirements and to answer commonly asked questions.”

Charl has two decades experience working in the signage and brand implementation space, including leading project and installation teams for brand rollouts on a national and international basis.

His strong business and project management experience is complemented by adept leadership and problem-solving skills, and a commitment to implementing robust performance systems and business processes, making him a valuable resource for initiatives and projects involving complex logistics.

The webinar will be held at 11:00AM AEDT next Wednesday 9 October, and is free of charge for ASGA Members. Non-members will be charged $30 to attend. To reserve your place for this event, and to see more upcoming webinars, click here.


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