NSW COVID June lockdown – what this means for sign businesses
29 June 2021
The following is the ASGA’s best advice at the moment on the current lockdown in Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong. We always say that this is our advice only and you must keep your own counsel.
Manufacturing Can Continue … Business as Normal
It seems that all on-site businesses (that are not customer facing) can still operate. If you are making signs, then you can go on making signs in your factory.
- Make sure you have a COVID safe plan.
- If your staff can work from home, they must work from home.
- Make sure you have electronic check in.
- Wear masks at all times.
- Your COVID safe plan will talk about 1 person per 4 square metres. Do your best to enforce this where possible.
Construction Sites
- Construction sites – no public Allowed
- You are working on a construction site (indoor or outdoor)
- The general public cannot access it (at any time)
- Outdoor works – Allowed
- You are working outdoors.
- You can maintain social distancing of staff.
- You have good separation from the general public. (about 2-3m away)
- Indoor works – unoccupied sites Allowed
- You are working in a shop etc that is closed.
- The technical rule is unoccupied, meaning the shop isn’t opening at all that day – not just closed while you are … perhaps a grey area.
- Indoor works – around the general public. Not allowed
- If the public is there and you are working, this is a definite NO. Discuss with store management.
- The exception to this is Essential signs like COVID safe signs. But even for this, you should try and do it out of hours
More information will become available over the course of this week and as any further information is provided, we shall update.
Marc Martello, ASGA NSW Chair
Mick Harrold, ASGA Vic Chair