UPDATE on Victorian COVID May lockdown – what this means for sign businesses
1 June 2021
Further to the ASGA COVID update on the 28th of May, the ASGA has received confirmation from Business Victoria that all manufacturing – not just essential manufacturing – is on the allowed businesses list. Workers must wear masks and businesses must have a COVID Safe Plan in place. The COVID Check-in App must be in place for all staff and visitors.
All Construction and Manufacturing work is permitted with two main exceptions:
- If you can work from home, you must work from home. So you should take a moment to think about your office staff and whether they can work from home.
- You cannot work on occupied premises. i.e. people’s houses, supermarkets during trading hours, occupied offices etc. Occupied construction sites are allowed.
- Your worksite must have a COVID Safe Plan in place.
This is good news for ASGA members and the wider sign industry. The aim of this lockdown is to limit the general public getting out and about. Click here for more information.